Sunday, December 12, 2010

Recipe Clean Out

So, the redesign of this blog is coming along slowly, but I promise I'm working on it! As sad as it's making me, I decided that I need to get rid of all of the gluten and dairy containing recipes that I have posted throughout the past year. Not that I don't love them, and trust me I will miss them, but since I am making this blog completely gluten and dairy free I do not want all my past posts to trick my readers.

This purge may take awhile, since I want to make sure that everything is well documented for my personal records, but I hope to have it done by the New Year.

Just because these old recipes will no longer be on here, however, does not mean that they wont still be out there somewhere in the this beautiful thing we call the Internet. I am posting both allergen free and all my other recipes to Hopefully, I will be able to get all of the recipes I delete off of here onto that account soon. Oh, and any recipes that I can make small changes to in order to fit my new allergies will be updated and stay on!

I only have 5 days and 3 finals to go for the end of the semester, then I get to head home and commence the joy of holiday cooking. So, expect great recipes to come when I have loads of free time and a well-stocked kitchen to work with!

And wish me luck on finals, my brain is crammed to capacity full of facts about earlier embryonic development, cell differentiation, epidemiological statistics, and economics. I think it may explode any day now.

Much Love!

1 comment:

  1. Good luck on your finals!!! I have run the gamut of mine this week. My last one is tomorrow: History of American Literature. The book for this class is...TWO THOUSAND PAGES.

    This is what I signed up for when I declared English. I'm reaping my just rewards. Sigh.

    But when finals roll around, I keep this mantra: I can do ____ for a few days. And that's all it is! Just a few days! You can do it!
